Please read our policy at the bottom of this page to answer your important questions and before emailing to apply. We currently do not have any dogs that have not been assigned handlers, advisements will be found on this page. Please email to enquire about a specifically assigned assistance dog and for any further questions.
The folder on this page titled 'Important policies and documents' shows our public access assessment and some of the documentation that you will receive with your dog.
There are two options for requesting a placed Assistance dog:
You request a dog, become the legal owner from the beginning and have your dog stay with us for a residential boarding program
We choose an ideal prospective dog, train this dog and advertise the dog on our website

Assistance dogs for placement
Costs and forms:
Variable costs:
Initial price of dog – between £500-£2000 (Ideal £1500)
Length of stay needed with us
Fixed costs:
£100 Initial consult that includes sourcing the dog and communicating, behavioral assessment fee
£30 a month Feeding and rewards budget
One training log book, profile card and documentation, ID tags x2
A minimum of 5 hours 1-1 training out of the home, continuous training in house throughout the day, suitable exercise & enrichment
Possible additional costs:
- Vest/working gear chosen
- Spay/neuter
- Additional veterinary costs e.g. vaccination
- Hip/Elbow scoring if required for mobility or guide tasks
Recommended 4 minimum, 8 maximum, 6 average months training for a suitable assistance dog candidate
Approximate pricing:
Part trained assistance dog - £5000 (For experienced owners or handlers only)
Fully trained assistance dog - £7000
- Program vest
- Program lead wrap
- Program ID tag x 2 Must be worn at all times out of the house
- Working custom biothane lead and collar
- Program off duty bandana - optional but highly recommended for legal reasons
- Program settle mat
- Program logo’ed backpacks, T-shirts and hoodies
- Biothane off duty collar and lead
Approved by us:
- Guide/Mobility harnesses (Black or White)
- Off duty harness
- Off duty coat
- Use of protective equipment such as goggles, boots, fleece
- Off duty collar and lead
- Bed/crate
- Edible chews/change of food
- Flea and worming preventive medication
- Groomer company if required
- Participation in sports and companies - no showing is permitted
- Dog trainers/sitting/walking/physiotherapy and other practices/boarding companies if required
The list of approval is to ensure we can aid you in finding the best and safest products for you and your dog and to maintain the professionalism of Wild Spirit Canines’ dogs.
Dogs are not permitted in any other training tool, jumper, coat or fleece without approval - neutral or coat colour.